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BIOL 122 Genetics

Genetics is an upper-level course which explores the fundamental laws concerning the transmission and interaction of genes. Genetics is a discipline that involves problem solving and good critical thinking skills. Therefore, this lecture-based course will help you develop these skills. To be successful you will need an understanding of the genetics concepts we cover, but you will also need to apply the knowledge you learn to problems. We will spend some class time solving genetics problems and practicing, either independently or in groups. You are expected to be an active participant in this class.

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BIOL 166 Techniques in Genetics

Students will investigate the genetic basis of phenotypes in model organisms utilizing modern genetics techniques. Students are required to prepare individual or group-based oral presentations, using appropriate computer-based technologies. Students will design independent experimental projects while developing scientific writing and presentation skills. Extensive critical reading of primary literature is required.  

BIOL 173 - Introduction to Genomics and Bioinformatics

Large-scale, genome-wide studies produce vast amounts of biological data (e.g., DNA and protein sequences, 3-D structures, and changes in gene expression). The fields of genomics and bioinformatics focus on how these data are stored, accessed, manipulated, and most importantly, on how they are used to answer biological questions. In this course, students will learn how genome-scale data are generated and analyzed using bioinformatics tools and databases. The applications of genome-wide data to fields such as medicine, evolution, molecular biology, and genetics will also be stressed. Groups of students will work on independent projects throughout the semester and will be expected to present the results of their projects orally.

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